Friday, May 9, 2008

Sigg Bottle Update

So far I am very pleased with my Sigg bottle purchase. I pretty much take it with me everywhere I go so that I always have a drink with me and am not tempted to buy one in a plastic bottle. At first I had problems with the water not staying cold enough and then I found ice cube trays for water bottles. I am considering buying a sleeve for the bottle to assist with keeping it cold. It is also a great conversation starter at work. Most people at work just carry the usual company supplied mug or soda bottle from the machine. My blue aluminum bottle stands out and I get comments which I can quickly turn into conversations concerning the need for reducing the amount of bottles they use and some of the dangers of BPA. A few co-workers have even said they are going to buy one. If you have not bought one yet, I highly suggest it, especially if you have watched the videos on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch I posted about earlier.


Anonymous said...

That is a very nice bottle. I may buy one too.


Unknown said...

you know, buying that is not going to save the planet...there is not global warming...the earth is not going to explode of heat...(if global warming is real...why is it so cold?)...y'all are just wasting your money...but go ahead..."make a difference"...not that anything you do will help.

if you really want to do something, save the human race...stop drinking and smoking and doing drugs...and there are many more things.

you people are all about "Going Green"

may i say you people are not that smart.

that is all i have to say other than...that little bottle is not going to save the planet

it wont be much longer until the earth is gone...not from global warming...from God

he will make a new Heaven and a new all you are doing is wasting your time...but enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I think you need to go back and read the little words in red . . .I think you skipped over a few, like Jesus's main lessons. Jesus would not be proud of you . . .Good Luck to you when a new Heaven and Earth are made . . .with feelings thatw you have you won't be part of either one.