Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Green Tip: Water - Turn it Off

One of the easiest changes people can make is to turn the water off when brushing their teeth or washing their face. This can save up to 4 gallons of water PER MINUTE. Up to 24 gallons of water per person per day could be saved assuming most people brush their teeth twice a day for 2 – 3 minutes. 24 GALLONS!! This is an easy habit to break yet I still see people who let the water run until I show them how much water they are wasting. I am challenging myself to see how many people I can get to change their habit of letting the water run. I am challenging you to do the same. Let’s see how many people we can get to make the change.


John McCormick said...

Though I don't dispute the fact that turning off the water while you brush your teeth is a good idea. I challenge you to fill 4 one gallon jugs in 1 minute from your bathroom faucet.

Anonymous said...

you can also take shorter showers along with turning off the water to save even more/

Anonymous said...

Another way to save on water, besides turning off your faucets, is to buy low-flow faucets or faucets that are specifically designed to conserve water.

You will be saving money on your water bill and helping to make a positive contribution to the environment.