Tuesday, August 7, 2007


It looks like this has been out there awhile but this is the first I have seen of it. If everything is accurate , it sounds like a good idea. Read about blackle.com here.


Anonymous said...

I just set it to my favorites instead of the regular google.

Not to change the subject but you should check out my website, www.shaklee.net/serenity
We offer green cleaning products that are the bomb. They are all natural and planet, kid and animal friendly.
Its a great way to start Going Green.

Anonymous said...

The "Blackle" stats are quite staggering. Of course, you're looking at possibly the highest trafficked site on the planet, and you're "only" saving electricity for 77 homes. Still, not a bad thing.

For energy I've discovered recently that there's a green computer revolution going on, and it's pretty interesting stuff. Computers are responsible for 2% of the world's carbon emissions - the same as airplanes! It's surprising that this is an issue not yet in mainstream society's consciousness, but companies like Google are doing things to promote it.

Artstudio Sri Lanka said...

There are around 22 different versions of “black google” online. The best one I’ve found is www.cleanblack.com. Cleanblack is the only version that allows you to change the text colors of the google search results. Try it yourself by going to www.cleanblack.com/theme/

Anonymous said...

There are around 23 different versions of “black google” online. The best one I’ve found is www.cleanblack.com. Cleanblack is the only version that allows you to change the text colors of the google search results. Try it yourself by going to www.cleanblack.com/theme/