Saturday, July 19, 2008

Challenge From Al Gore

At a speech on July 17th, Al Gore made an Environmental Challenge that is being compared to the challenge that John F. Kennedy made in reference to the moon. Al Gore is challenging the nation to produce every kilowatt of electricity through wind, sun and other Earth-friendly energy sources within 10 years. According to the New York Times, "Gore's approach, which would require abandoning old-fashioned, coal-fired power plants, goes beyond what even the most audacious scientists and entrepreneurs have proposed, as a means, he said, of jolting the world out of old ways of thinking." I have posted video of the speech below and there also a transcript available.


Anonymous said...

Hope you all are ready to start paying these carbon offsets that Gore and the rest of the wacko Greenies want to impose on the world. The only country that is falling for this crap is the US and the people that are pushing it are going to make ALOT of money off of it. We no more have a Global warming than we have Global cooling. There is only so much heat that Carbon Dioxide can store and it saturates all the time. If you want to be Green, then do it, but do not try and force it on the rest of the country.

Strangerdeals said...

Do NOT buy into the global warming/climate change hysteria that is enabling governmental taxes and ultimate benefits for corporations to control our every move.