Friday, April 25, 2008

Green Tip: Pay Your Bills Online

If you are not already paying your bills online, today is the day to start. Paying bills online will reduce emissions since the bill not have to travel to the company being paid, cut down on paper from the check and envelope you will not have to send, and you will save money from not having to use a stamp. Many, if not most, banks do not change any extra money to pay bills online. You can also signup to receive online statements which means reducing emissions as well as reducing paper. If you need copies of your statements for tax purposes, choose online statements and then print out the statements you need rather than having them mailed to you. You can help out the environment while at the same time making your bill paying life a lot easier.

1 comment:

Maggie Winston said...

I think this is a good idea, the fact that you save money, paper and also the environment. Going green is essential to the fact that we need to bring back the environment the way it was before.

I know of a cleaning company in New York City...TidyZone, going green since when I cannot remember. It seem like they were using green products since 2002, when it was not even being emphasized on the media and by individuals who are environmentally friendly.